Nike Storeショッピングバッグ 有料化について(直営全店)
持続可能(サステナブル: https://www.nike.com/jp/sustainability )な未来のために、使い捨て資材の使用量を減らし、限りある資源を守るため 7月1日よりお買い物時のショッピングバッグを有料とさせて頂きます。
■対象店舗: 日本国内のNIKE直営店 全35店舗、MA5
■対象アイテム: オレンジポリ袋、紙袋
Introducing Fee for Shopping Bags
at All NIKE Stores
In order to save limited natural resources for a sustainable future by reducing the use of disposable materials, we will introduce a fee for shopping bags starting on July 1st at all local Nike stores.
■When: Starting on Wednesday, July 1st
■Stores in scope: All 35 NIKE owned stores in Japan + MA5
■Items in scope: Orange plastic bags and paper bags
*This scheme will apply for all bags regardless of their materials
■Amount : 10 yen per bag (including tax)
*We cannot accept returns or exchanges of shopping bags,
Nike Fukuoka