Release on Mar 19
SIZE 25.5-30,31,32cm
¥22,680(TAX IN)
1. 免許証
2. 写真付き学生証
3. 写真付き住民基本台帳カード
4. パスポート
5. 外国人登録証
6. 在留資格カード
7. 身体障がい者手帳
8. Armed Forces Military Identification Card
*The customers waiting in line as of 10:00 on March 19(Sat) will be eligible to draw a number to determine the order of your entry into the store. (The customers will be directed to enter the store according to the number given in the drawing once the store opens at 11:00.)
*You will be required to present your ID when you enter into the drawing. (Copies or expired ID are not accepted.)
Please be sure to bring your ID with a face picture, as you will be refused to enter into the drawing if you do not for any reason.
*You will be requested to present your ID with a face picture again when you make the purchase.
Please bring one of the following 8 identification cards:
1. Driver's license
2. Student ID card with picture
3. Basic Resident Registration Card with picture
4. Passport
5. Alien Registration Card
6. Certificate of resident eligibility
7. National Disability Identification Card
8. Armed Force Military Identification Card
*We will do our best to serve you as swiftly as possible but please note that it may take some before we could serve you after the store opens, as we provide fitting services to the other customers.
*The purchase quantity is limited to only 1 unit per style/color per customer.
*We will refuse selling to the customers who are found, inside or outside the store, to be exchanging money for these products or soliciting others to sell or buy them.
*Bulk purchase by groups will not be allowed.
*As these products are sold in limited quantity, we will begin layaway, inventory check in the other Nike DTC stores, and backorders on March 22(Tue)
*Please note that we may cancel the sale in case the customers do not follow our instructions, cause disturbances in the neighborhood or some other trouble occurs.
*Please also note that we reserve the right to change these rules and the sales method on the day of the sale.
Nike Fukuoka